About Us

Mission, Vision, and Core Values

Our Mission

New Village Academy ensures every student is known, connected, empowered, and accountable, so they have the will and the skill to take charge of their education and future, with Annapolis as their classroom.

Students working together in a tech-ed class, embodying New Village Academy’s Core Values of innovation and collaboration.

Our Vision

New Village Academy envisions the Annapolis community united in launching ALL its youth into thriving careers, strong personal character, and active community engagement.

Students collaborating on a group project, reflecting New Village Academy’s Core Values of teamwork and engagement.

Schoolwide Norms

These Schoolwide Norms, developed by our Youth Advisory Board, are deliberately broad and inspirational calls to action rather than specific rules, but more direct, accessible, and accountable than Core Values.

Show Up!

Bring your Heart!

Grow your Mind!

Lift your Voice!

Seize your Future!

¡Esté presente!

¡Trae tu corazon!

¡Cultiva tu mente!

¡Eleva tu voz!

¡Aprovecha tu futuro!

Our Core Values

These Core Values are drawn from the wisdom of the ancient cultural traditions of our diverse Annapolis communities.

They are the characteristics and mindsets we hope all our students and staff will grow to embrace as they come together to work and learn.

Contact Us - NVA logo.


Culture of Origin: Ghana (Twi/Akan)


“He who does not know, can know from learning.”

I am always learning

Mission and Core Values - Ubuntu


Culture of Origin: Zulu, South Africa


“I am because we are.”

I care about the well-being of others

Mission and Core Values - Kan


Culture of Origin: Mayan


“Hard work, harvest, slow growth.”

I work hard and take the long view

Mission and Core Values - Dara


Culture of Origin: Celtic


“The roots of a mighty oak.”

I hold myself accountable

Mission and Core Values - Kamal

Kamal (Lotus)

Culture of Origin: Ancient Egypt, Asia


“New beginnings, beauty emerging from muddy waters.”

I let go and move on

Mission and Core Values - Astrolabio


Culture of Origin: Spanish, Arabic Origin


“Knowing where you are and where you are going.”

I set goals and reflect on my progress

Image of Winquipim logo.

Winquipim (Bear)

Culture of Origin: Native, Piscataway


“Intellectual and personal risk-taking.”

I acknowledge and push through my fears

Image of Ollin logo.

Ollin (Movement)

Culture of Origin: Aztec


“Reflection, action, reconciliation, transformation.”

I lead with humility