F.A.Q.James Collins2024-09-11T00:00:54+00:00


Frequently Asked Questions


When and where will New Village Academy open?James Collins2024-05-20T19:49:13+00:00

We will open in Fall 2025.  We received unanimous Board of Education approval in August 2023 and have been working since then to negotiate a lease with Westfield for a second-level space in Annapolis Mall (above the Container Store), with its own separate entrance and a second-level (shared) parking area. The Mall is an ideal location for our unique school model, because it is a community and transportation hub with lots of opportunities for partnerships, internships, and community action projects! 

How does enrollment work?James Collins2024-09-10T22:47:34+00:00

Charter School enrollment happens through the AACPS charter/magnet application portal, which opens October 7th, 2024. Even after the Lottery Window has closed (date TBD), anyone can apply to be added to our fast-moving waiting list for enrollment next year.

Lottery results will be shared with families as soon as they are completed by an independent agency. Students will either be offered a seat or, if there are more applicants than spaces available, put on a waiting list in lottery order. Once you have been offered a seat at New Village Academy, you will complete our commitment form, and then complete enrollment paperwork on the AACPS enrollment portal. (Don’t worry, we will help!)

Who can attend New Village Academy?James Collins2024-05-20T19:55:29+00:00

New Village Academy is a public school of choice within AACPS so any student going into grades 9-12 who lives in Anne Arundel County can attend. Our first-year enrollment will 150 students ( increasing each year until we serve 250 students in Year 4).   Immigration status does not affect admission to New Village Academy. We welcome families of all backgrounds, languages, religions, identities, shapes and sizes. 

What kind of student is a “good fit” for New Village Academy?James Collins2023-12-11T16:32:03+00:00

ANY student who CHOOSES this approach – who WANTS the additional choice and responsibility of taking the lead in their own education is a “good fit!”  Parents, be sure to involve your child actively in the decision to attend! 

Students, if traditional middle or high school has been uninspiring or limiting for you; if you want get involved in “being the change” in Annapolis and the world; or if you have particular interests you don’t want to wait until graduation to pursue, you will thrive at New Village!

Will there be transportation?James Collins2024-05-20T19:56:55+00:00

As a small school open to a very large geographic area, we will not be able to provide school buses.  However, we have negotiated free transportation on public transit for both Annapolis City and Anne Arundel County public transit buses and our intended location at Westfield Annapolis Mall is the destination for most of those routes.  We are happy to help you figure out the closest route to your home.   

Will you have school lunch? Can students eat lunch in the Mall?James Collins2024-05-20T19:58:29+00:00

We will offer the same school meals that other public schools have, provided by AACPS using the same lunch numbers.  Students can, of course, also bring their own lunch.  If we are located in our intended location at Annapolis Mall, after the first few months, students who have demonstrated that they are ready for the responsibility of going into the Mall for lunch will be able to earn that privilege, as long as they demonstrate excellent conduct in the Mall and return to class on time each day.  

Will there be a nurse and school counselor on staff?James Collins2024-05-28T18:30:50+00:00

Yes! We will have a school nurse and a full-time school counselor. Additional services will be provided by consultants or by our community partners.  We are partnering with Total Health Care, a family health clinic, to share our space in the Mall and to provide wraparound physical and mental health services, as well as student internships and shared community action projects!  

Will students earn credits to graduate from high school with a diploma? Will the credits easily transfer to another high school if we move?James Collins2023-12-11T16:42:07+00:00

Students earn credit differently than in traditional high schools, working toward mastery of academic, personal, career, and life skills, demonstrated in their portfolios, instead of just doing seat time in classes to earn credit (and sometimes being passed along without actually learning).  Students are more accountable to actually learning each “Competency” or skill, but can do it in a variety of ways:  through blended learning, whole class teacher-led learning, internships and apprenticeships, online coursework (though we are NOT a virtual school), afterschool programs, and college coursework for dual credit – earning high school credit and college credit at the same time.  Most students will start in structured class settings and build their capacity for more self-directed learning over time. 

Because we are a part of AACPS, we have developed a conversion system so that their portfolio-based Competency scoring will earn them credits that look much the same on their external-facing transcripts and would transfer to other school districts or other AACPS schools seamlessly.  Our diploma will be recognized by AACPS and by colleges and universities just like any other public high school diploma. 

Can New Village Academy serve students with IEPs?James Collins2023-12-11T16:42:15+00:00

Yes, of course! Every public school, including charters, is bound by law to meet the IEP provisions of each student enrolled.  At New Village Academy, our personalized learning model allows for students with a diversity of learning styles to thrive and we will have certified special education teachers working with students with IEPs as needed.   Because we are a small school, some students with intensive or complex needs may find they have access to more comprehensive programming in a larger school with more capacity to provide specialized services.  Our staff and the AACPS Special Education Team will work with individual families to support them with all the information they need to make the best choice for their student’s particular needs.  

Will there be field trips?James Collins2023-12-11T16:42:34+00:00

Yes! Lots! Because we have access to public transportation, a more flexible schedule, and “the City of Annapolis as our classroom,” students will be out in the real world, often on a weekly basis, collaborating with local government, doing community service projects, job shadowing, and, once they show readiness, independently working in internships or apprenticeships and community college courses.  

What about Cultural Arts? Activities? Sports?James Collins2024-05-28T19:41:58+00:00

We are leveraging the amazing arts community of Annapolis, including a partnership with Maryland Hall, for artist residencies embedded in our Community Action projects.  We will have student clubs, physical education, and a variety of activities at school, both during and after the school day and afterschool with our partnerships.

We will have some sports teams, based on student interest, but will not have as many teams, or be as competitive in sports as some high schools because of our size and location.  We also actively facilitate student-athlete participation in community sports teams. 

How will families be involved at New Village?James Collins2023-12-11T16:42:50+00:00

Families are expected to be much MORE engaged at New Village than in traditional high schools. Every student’s enrollment starts with a Family Home Visit by their Crew leader and another NVA staff member to get everyone acquainted.  Families will know their child’s Crew leader well and communicate regularly.  Parents are key members of their student’s Navigation Team, meeting four times a year hearing their student present their work portfolio, asking questions that challenge and support, and then helping them establish goals for the next quarter and for their future.  Family members are also expected to attend Celebrations of Learning and annual Gateway Ceremonies- where students present and celebrate their learning and growth

I have more questions! Can I talk to someone?James Collins2024-09-16T16:33:22+00:00

Yes!  We have in-person Open House Events each month during the School Year at the Discoveries Library in Annapolis Mall. We are also hosting tables at Annapolis area events throughout the summer. Follow us on social media (@NewVillageAnnapolis) and join our mailing list here to stay up to date on events.   You are also welcome to call or text (410-216-4626) or email us at info@newvillageacademy.org any time! 



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